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Language Courses

Language Courses


Our commitment to the education of the Korean language focuses on the cultivation of the pride and identity of Korean students who are growing up outside of Korea.

In addition, we serve as a notice board for Korean culture in the local society by providing adult Korean language classes for non-Korean students.

We provide systematic Korean language education through the use of textbooks published by the Korean Ministry of Education, the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation and the Overseas Korean Education Promotion Foundation.


Montreal is a place where English and French coexist.

Our English and French classes are designed for Korean students who have recently moved to Montreal and who possess limited knowledge in French and English. These courses provide additional assistance to facilitate learning in a French or English school.

Our classes consist of pronunciation correction, grammar, reading, listening and conversation. They are suitable for students aiming to attend local schools, vocational schools, and to take TEFaQ/SAT examinations. 

Division of classes



(4-6 years)





  • Preschool​

  • Beginner


  • Intermediate 1

  • Intermediate 2


  • Secondary 1

  • Secondary 2


  • Beginner

  • Intermediate

  • Advanced

Other languages


  • English

  • French

Extra Activities

We also offer students the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities that contribute to their self-development, whether it be physically, cognitively, or socially, all the while having fun!


  • Art

  • Maths

  • Music

  • ​Korean Traditional Dance

  • K-pop Dance

  • Taekwondo

  • Chamber Music

Cultural Activities

In the diverse cultural activities planned throughout the semester, students can learn and experience the world of Korea. The school holds conferences and introductory courses to Korean history, culture and philosophy.

These courses are a great opportunity for all those interested in learning about the Korean culture.


  • Korean Food

  • Korean paper crafts

  • Korean philosophy / literature / cinema

  • Korean manners and etiquette

  • Korean history

  • K-pop Dance

Extra Activities


We provide multiple events inside and outside the school for our students to experience and practice Korean language and culture. Field trips to various cultural and governmental sites promote better understanding of the Canadian society.

Some of the activities during the year include ...


  • Writing Contest

  • Storytelling Contest

  • Sports Day / Traditional games

  • Field trips to the Parliament in Ottawa and the Consulate General of Korea in Montreal

  • Sugar Shack

  • Talent Show



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The Korean Language School of Greater Montreal

C/O Selwyn House School, 101 chemin de la Côte-Saint-Antoine, Westmount, Quebec H3Y 2H8

@ Copyrights 2019. The Korean Language School of Greater Montreal all rights reserved

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